This is a great recipe for finger food on your coffee and end tables at Christmas or any time of year. Be careful because they are addictive!(Note: I have...
Easy, delicious and healthy South Beach Diet P1 Peanut Butter Muffins recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for South Beach Diet P1 Peanut...
Love Hot or Lean Pockets? But you do not want all of the added preservatives or ingredients try this recipe and stuff it with your own filling... what...
I decided to try my hand at Kettle corn, I love kettle corn but it's expensive. This is going to be a once a week treat I think. I am going to be tweaking...
I hate the preservative taste of bottled dressings so I expermented with different ingredient combos until I found a flavor I liked. Plus this dressing...
Almond butter is so expensive so I decided to make my own. I like to add flax for extra nutrition. You could also add honey if you prefer a sweeter butter...
Easy, delicious and healthy Great Value Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Great Value Chocolate Chip...
Bet you didn't know the leaves of the horseradish plant were edible! They taste like a cross between arugula and kale, and are typically given the "kale"...
Low fat, quick and easy to make and my little girl loves these. You can swap the rasins for choc chips, fudge pieces or smarties, or use chocolate syrup...
LADIWOLF59 sparkmailed this recipe as I wasn't impressed with the plain Fava Bean recipe that I had tried.Original recipe calls for oven at 350ยบ F. This...
This would be a request for my last meal. The recipe has been in the family for over 60 years and is a staple at get togethers. It's humble beginnings...
Oh! So yummy! I've been eating this dip with chips, crackers, veggies, on name it! since I was a little girl. It's light, but filling, and...